Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Holy Land

Ok, I'm really excited about my trip to Israel this coming May. Shalom! I'm kinda tense in the sense that I'm worried on how I will pack! Should I bring most of my gear and take good shots of the places I'll be going to?? But I am overly excited as well to learn from the tour and fellowship with other Christians. It is also the 60th anniversary of the nation's statehood, it was a prophecy foretold thousands of years ago (during the old testament times) that Israel will be reunited as a nation in 1948!

As part of the Conference/Tour, we will visit places such as the City of David, Western wall excavations, Garden of Gethsemane, Garden Tomb, Samaria, Dead Sea, Galilee and Judea!

Here are some images of the Promised Land!

Temple of the Rock, Jerusalem

Church of Nativity, Bethlehem (Birth spot of our Lord Jesus Christ)

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